
Showing posts from December, 2008

Cell Lazurus

I pulled all the pieces back together after 24 hours of drying time, and my patience was rewarded with a working cell phone. You might notice that the phone didn't make it out all together unscathed, as there are some strange bright spots on the screen now. They aren't really noticeable except with a solid color background, so I consider myself somewhat lucky. All the buttons are working, no data was lost, and the speakers and microphone work just fine. The camera is working, and I can even complete calls with the thing! Steve Jobs won't see any (more) of my money for at least a little while longer.

Cell Phone, Deconstructed

Honestly, I was just trying to be helpful. I figured, "Hey! I know how I can help! Laundry needs to be done, so I'll start with the blue jeans..." Of course, my wife doesn't own a waterproof cell phone, and I don't remember to check pockets, so my efforts to "help" ended up with a freshly washed cell phone smelling faintly like a clean breeze and water under the plastic cover for the display. Knowing that electricity and water don't do very much good for the metal in the phone, I removed the battery immediately. The one thing I think I might have going for me is that we have one of those front-loading, water-saving clothes washers. They don't fully submerge clothes for very long, so I'm hoping that with a good drying out for a few days, the phone may be salvageable. Big ups to LG for making a very easy to disassemble phone . I'm crossing my fingers, even though my wife is probably hoping for the worst .