My Process for New Spring Projects
I've been getting a lot of questions lately about how to start new Spring projects and what is the best approach. I don't know if I have the best approach or not, but here is an approach that has worked well for me. I think it is a pretty good way to get started and iterate on a project. With a new workstation, I usually grab the latest versions I can get of Java , Git CLI, Spring Tool Suite , Gradle CLI, and Node.js . Grab the appropriate versions for your OS, and install each of them in turn. Next, make a directory to store your project code separate from your Eclipse workspace. I like to create a "git" directory in my user directory to store my project code. Trust me, you will find this useful later. After installing Spring Tool Suite, I add in support for Gradle by going to the "Help" -> "Dashboard" menu, and then clicking the "IDE Extensions" button in the "Manage" section of the resulting page. Then, und